May 24, 2012

Double dress-up

Hola mis amigos! Yes, I'm still alive, don't you worry! I'm just not really into blogging at the moment - you know: exams, internship, no inspiration, warm temperatures... Past weekend was my cousine's wedding! I already made a lot of posts about it (about the outfit, the hair, etc.) so I simply could not hide these pictures from you. My mum made these shots of Floris - my boyfriend - and I before we left to congradualate the newly weds. Do you like my outfit? And my boyfriend's? And my hair? I have a story to tell you about that last one... On Saturdaymorning I went to the hairdresser to have a nonchalant, boho updo. My opinion about updo's is: it may not look like you went to the hairdresser (as in: tiny, ugly curls, a lot of pins, poofy and lots of hairspray). But! The opinion of Le Coiffeur was: "It must look like you went to the hairdresser, otherwise you shouldn't spend your money on it!". The result: I washed my hair immediatly after my visit to the hairdresser. And then I just putted a side-braid in it.

Anyway: the party was marvelous, splendid, perfect. From the celebration in church to the food to the afterparty! I danced 'till 6am and truly had an amazing time, together with my boyfriend and family! And a little headache the day after, but it was all worth it. Thank you, Serafien and Charles, for the wonderful evening! 

My boyfriend has such funny expression on his face, hihi!
dress TRAFFIC PEOPLE / lace cardigan, clutch ZARA / shoes ESSENTIEL / earrings I AM

Want to see a picture of the bride? Here she comes...

May 17, 2012

Pizza night

A few weeks ago I attended a 'pizza night', held by my sweet uncle, aunt and cousins who live in Ghent. My 3 cousins invited their girlfriends, my cousine and me (and our boyfriends - but they couldn't join us, unfortunately) - you can say it was a sort of 'student night' too. My uncle Chris is quite famous for his home made pizzas, so Robin - my cousine - and I were very thrilled to taste this delicious Italian meal. I had my camera with me so of course I had to capture the 'making-of'. Gosh, I'm getting hungry just by looking at these pictures! I think it's time to say something very blogger-ish: nom nom nom... Thank you for having us, uncle Chris and auntie Anita!

May 13, 2012

Viva la mama!

I'll write this post in Dutch 'cause my English isn't that good to express what I feel for my mom. Not that I have any English-speaking readers, though.

Mijn mama en ik. Mijn mama. En ik. Mijn mama en... ik. Goh, wat zijn wij eigenlijk voor elkaar? Zoals vrijwel elk kind vind ik mijn mama 'de beste'. Mijn mama maakt lekker eten klaar, weet waar ik naartoe moet (tandarts, kapper...), ruimt mijn kamer op ook al zeg ik dat ze dat niet hoeft te doen, zorgt voor me wanneer ik ziek ben (en anders ook), geeft mij zakgeld, maar betaalt toch (meestal) mijn kleren, doet de was, doet de strijk, stofzuigt, enfin: doet het hele huishouden (en ze werkt fulltime!), herinnert mij aan mijn werk voor school (en denkt dat ze 'zaagt'), zet zichzelf altijd op de laatste plaats, enz. Herkenbaar? Inderdaad: ik heb een 'model-mama', zoals velen(?) onder ons. En we mogen ons gelukkig prijzen, met onze moedertjes! Maar: enkele jaren geleden heb ik 'de vrouw' achter 'de mama' ontdekt. De vrouw die zichzelf iets té vaak op de laatste plaats zet, de vrouw die zich soms eenzaam voelt, de vrouw die haar familie mist, de vrouw waarvan iedereen het maar als 'vanzelfsprekend' vindt dat ze zoveel doet voor een ander, de vrouw die haar man uit haar vingers ziet glippen, de vrouw die meer aandacht verdient dan ze krijgt, enz. Mijn mama - mijn mooie, lieve mama - is door een diep dal gegaan. Maar ze is er, gelukkig, ook weer uitgekomen. Met vallen en opstaan, logischerwijs. En ook al lijkt dat dal nog niet veraf, mijn mama heeft al een lange weg afgelegd sindsdien. En sindsdien beschouw ik haar ook niet meer als 'vanzelfsprekend'. Mijn mama is een pracht van een vrouw; ze ziet er stralend uit voor haar leeftijd, heeft veel kwaliteiten en maakt altijd dat mijn broer, papa en ik niets tekort komen. Een sterke vrouw dus, mijn mama, en daarom mag ze vandaag nog eens éxtra in de bloemetjes gezet worden. Haar pastamachine heeft ze gisteren al gekregen, vandaag krijgt ze de woorden die ik haar niet zomaar kan vertellen. Love you, mams!

PS: Op moederdag mogen we de grootmoeders niet vergeten, toch? Gelukkige moederdag, mémé'tjes!

Mémé Raymonde (79 jaar, can you believe it?)
Mémé 'Lijntje' (Hélène)

May 12, 2012

A bracelet from Copenhagen

My parents went to Copenhagen last week and they bought me a present! They really know my taste cause this bracelet is just perfect... It's made out of reindier leather, combined with a silver thread and the button to close the bracelet is made out of reindier antlers. I like subtle but original jewellery (no H&M for me) so this one's totally ma thing. I've collected quite a collection actually; mostly bought in special, alternative shops or on markets abroad. Shall I do a post about that soon? And oh, the bracelet's from Be Christensen, take a look at the 'Samer' collection here.

BTW - Sorry for the regular absence. I've had a busy and abnormal internship because I had to teach 18 children for a week on my own. The teacher of 'my class' couldn't come because her son had a major accident. But, all went good, both for her (son) and me.

May 2, 2012


Katrien (right) and Astrid (left) threw a party for their 20th birthday on Monday! Katrien is the lovely lady behind the blog How to have a lovely day and the photographer of my outfit pictures - Astrid is her best friend! I was a little late at the party, but I had a good excuse (yeah right): I came from the coast, had to change, drove for the very first time all by myself, forgot my invitation, etc. When I saw all those gorgeous looking girls (no boyfriends allowed) I felt a teeny tiny bit underdressed - and that's an understatement. The dresscode was 'casual chic' but since I forgot my invitation in Ghent, I didn't remember that anymore. ANYWAY: it was a super fun party, the food was delizioso and oh my! they received some wonderful presents! Katrien also made a post about their birthday party, check it out here! Thank you for the suberbe party, girls! I just realise I used a whole lotta prefixes, haha.

One glass of cava, more wasn't allowed for those who came by car!
I loved Julie's earrings! From Veritas...
Justine's such a pretty (and sweet) girl! I always feel a bit like 'Ugly Betty' when I'm pictured next to her.
Justine, Julie and me (in the middle)!
I'm looking super bored in this picture, but I sure wasn't! A bit tired, maybe ;-)
Normally rain always screws things up, but at this party it created a cosy atmosphere by the end of the night...

May 1, 2012

Hareem pants

I attended Katrien and Astrid's birthday party the other day and it was lovely! I took a lot of great pictures, but I let Katrien have the 'premiere' to post them. The food delicious, there was a delightful atmosphere and the invitees were very stylish (dresscode: casual chic). Justine, for example, was wearing a beautiful hareem pants from... JBC. Can you believe it? JBC! I have a weak spot for loose, hareem-like pants so I need to visit JBC a.s.a.p.! The print is perfect, right?