February 1, 2012

The past few days...

1 I went to the Lightfestival in Ghent! It was a bit fairylike and very, very beautiful! My cousine and I first didn't really feel like going (we heard it was very crowded and it was freezing outside) but afterwards we were so glad we did! 2 I went to Brussels on Saturday with Léon, my brother (and afterwards I met up with my friend Thomas), to go to the Apple-store to buy the big designspeakers he's been saving for. We did a quick visit in Pull & Bear and that's where 'my bro' saw this cute hat! It was love at first sight...

3 I watched the movie Drive with the boyfriend and damn, what a good movie! The music (listen to this song, please), the acting, the story, the mystery... I love a movie when not everything is 'being told'. In Drive, you don't even know the first name of the main character (Ryan Gosling) and altough you feel there's something going on between the driver and his neighbour (Carey Mulligan) there isn't a passionate sexscene involved. This one's definitely on my 'favourite movies'-list! Oh btw; I've also watched Crazy Stupid Love and The Rum Diary, but they were both so bad they don't deserve a place on my blog (I do had high expectations of the last one, though). But I do want to tell you: DON'T. WATCH. 4 Another picture of the Lightfestival.

5 Meet my beautiful and sweet cousine Robin! Since we're both studying in Ghent we've been seeing each other much more than we normally do (she lives at the Belgian coast, I live near Brussels). And I enjoy her company very much... 6 As I already told you: I met up with Thomas in Brussels on Saturday. We had dinner, went to the cinema and had a drink afterwards. A date, you can say - but than with my best friend instead of my boyfriend! We watched the movie A Dangerous Method in UGC Brouckère (cheaper than Kinepolis) but I slightly expected more of it... I think the trailer was more exciting than the whole movie. Maybe my dissapointment was related to the movie I saw the day before: Eastern Promises. A movie from the same director (David Cronenberg) and with the same actor (Viggo Mortensen) but in my opinion: much better! Still on my 'must-see'-list: Shame. According to Thomas it's an excellent movie!


  1. Je ziet er superschattig uit met die muts! En niets tegen de Kinepolis hé, ik werk daar! Haha, je hebt wel gelijk hoor, 't is inderdaad vree duur.. x Marie

  2. shame en drive staan bij mij ook hoog op de to see lijst maar ik ben ECHT geen cronenberg fan dus eastern promises vond ik overrated en a dangerous method hoef ik ook niet te zien, ookal is fassbender een snoepje :D

  3. wish i lived in gent! did hear so many good things about the festival!

  4. Wij wilden met de klas naar het lichtfestival gaan! zo jammer dat het niet is doorgegaan :( mooie fotos! x

  5. Ik wou ook naar het lichtfestival, zag er zo mooi uit op de foto's, maar helaas niet geraakt ^^

  6. Mooie foto's van het lichtfestival! Kzie overal zo'n schone foto's daarvan opduiken, nu begin ik al spijt te krijgen dat ik niet ben komen kijken.. En gij klein filmfreakske!

  7. Too bad I didn't make it to the Lightfestival.
    So bummed!

    x Krizia

    Shark Attack - Fashion Blog
